LG Ice Maker Not Working – Best Guide in 2024

We all know the frustration of reaching for refreshing ice cubes, only to find your LG ice maker has mysteriously stopped working. You are not condemned to a life of lukewarm drinks. This guide is your roadmap to troubleshooting your LG ice maker woes. We will explore common culprits, from sneaky shutoff switches to frozen water lines, and equip you …

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Written by: Mohammad Waseem

Updated on:

We all know the frustration of reaching for refreshing ice cubes, only to find your LG ice maker has mysteriously stopped working. You are not condemned to a life of lukewarm drinks.

This guide is your roadmap to troubleshooting your LG ice maker woes. We will explore common culprits, from sneaky shutoff switches to frozen water lines, and equip you with the knowledge to get your ice maker back on track.

Forget expensive service calls and confusing manuals. we offer simple solutions you can tackle yourself, all presented in a clear and friendly way. grab a screwdriver (maybe a beverage too), and let’s dive into the refreshing world of LG ice maker troubleshooting!

According to a re­port, around 15% of refrigerator service­ calls involve the ice make­r, with most issues caused by small problems that can be­ easily fixed at home. This statistic shows how important it is to know how to de­al with these issues he­ad-on.

Why is My LG Ice Maker Not Working

This LG ice maker got you all stressed? Don’t even trip, I’ve got you covered.

Real talk, that little machine could be bugging for all kinds of reasons. Maybe that ice bucket’s jammed tighter than a fat kid in a little car, feel me? Or Nah, could be the water pressure ain’t high enough to make the cubes pop off properly. Heck, there might just be some straight-up ice building up on them water lines, ya dig?

But hey, don’t get it twisted – could just be that auger motor acting up like a little punk too. Yo, and don’t even get me started on them clogged water filters or if somebody forgot to flip that switch on, you heard?

So listen, first things first, make sure that the ice makers are switched on and check for any jammed-up buckets or a busted auger motor. If that doesn’t fix it, try resettin’ that bad boy or holler at a professional to get it sorted out right.

Now, if that ice ain’t dropping into the bin as it should, could be the thermostat tripping or some gears got damaged. Heck, maybe the temp’s just set wrong or the wires ain’t connected properly, feel me?

And don’t be sleeping on them condenser coils either – gotta clean them out yearly for that ice maker to run smooth, you heard?

If that machine ain’t producing no ice at all, could be the temp settings again, or a problem with the water valve, or heck, maybe the whole dang ice maker’s just playing you, fam.

The bottom line, keep the temps below 9°F for that ice production to be on point, and don’t let no little issue linger too long before you get it checked out properly. Nobody got time for a busted ice maker, you dig? Stay frosty out there, my people!

How to clean the LG ice maker itself?

Safety Precautions:

  • Turn off and unplug LG fridge to prevent accidents.
  • Wear protective gloves and work in well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling harmful fumes.
  • Use non-abrasive cleaning agents and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Materials Needed:

  • Mild dish soap or ice maker cleaner.
  • Warm water.
  • Soft cloth or sponge.
  • Toothbrush or small brush.
  • Microfiber cloth.
  • Gloves.

Cleaning Process:

  • Mix 10 parts water to 1 part white vinegar for a homemade cleaning solution.
  • Spray down the ice maker with the solution, focusing on nooks and crannies.
  • Wipe visible parts with a soft cloth and pay attention to areas with visible mold.
  • Rinse with warm water and dry with a microfiber cloth.

Additional Steps:

  • Clean the water tank and ice dispenser by removing, cleaning under running water, and wiping dry before placing them back.
  • Regularly clean the ice machine condenser and filter every six months for optimal performance.

How water quality can affect ice quality and taste?

who knew ice was so picky about what water it hangs out with? Sounds like the quality of your H2O really makes a difference in the ice, dude. Think about it: if you use straight-from-the-tap water, all those minerals and junk (like calcium and magnesium) can’t freeze and just get stuck in the ice. That makes the ice, well, icier! It’s softer, breaks easier, and gets all cloudy, which isn’t exactly ideal when you’re trying to see the markings on the rink.

Not only that, but this hard-to-freeze stuff actually makes it harder to keep the ice cold! More work for the chiller means more money spent by the rink. Bummer, right?

But fear not, ice warriors! There’s a solution! By using fancy filters (like reverse osmosis) to take out those minerals, you end up with super pure water that makes the best ice ever. Crystal clear, rock hard, and freezes like a champ – that’s the kind of ice dreams are made of!

Testing your water is key though. If it’s already pretty pure, you might not even need a filter. But if it’s loaded with minerals, you’ll want to get that number (called TDS) down to around 85 for hockey ice. That way, you’ll have the smoothest, fastest ice on the block!

Initial Checks – LG ice maker not working

image of Initial Checks - LG ice maker not working

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s start with the basics. Sometimes the solution is right in front of us – we just need to know where to look.

Switch and Power Check

image of a black and white sketch of a person pressing the power button on a refrigerator. The refrigerator has a control panel with the words "POWER," "Freezer," "18," "3," "Refrigerator," and "C." There are two shelves in the refrigerator and a drawer at the bottom.
image source: lg.com

First, let’s make­ sure your LG ice maker has powe­r and is ready to go. Sometimes e­ven tech-savvy people­ overlook easy solutions.

Check the­ switch: Look on the left side of the­ ice maker for the on/off button. Most LG brands have­ it there. Ensure it’s in the­ “on” position. If it’s off, flip it on and wait for the ice to start forming.

Be patie­nt: Remember, afte­r turning the ice maker back on, it could take­ up to a day to begin making ice again. So relax and le­t it do its thing.

Ice Bucket Inspection

how to check the ice maker bucket

Next, let’s peek into the ice bucket. Sometimes, it’s not the ice maker that’s the problem but a jammed ice bucket.

  • Check for Blockages: Ensure your ice bucket is free from ice buildup or any other obstructions. Ice can be sneaky and block the exit, causing your ice maker to go on strike.
  • Proper Placement: Ensure the ice bucket is correctly positioned. Misalignment can lead to your ice maker wrongly assuming it’s full and stopping production.
  • The Lift and Pull Maneuver: Some LG models require a bit of finesse – you need to lift the bucket slightly before pulling it out. If it’s jammed, gently wiggle it free. It’s like a dance with your fridge – lead gracefully!

In a survey, over 20% of ice maker issues were solved by simply ensuring the appliance was properly turned on and the ice bucket correctly positioned​​.

Addressing Water Supply and Flow

Water, water everywhere, but not a drop in the ice tray?

It’s time to delve into the aquatic side of your LG ice maker.

This section is all about ensuring that the water flow to your ice maker is more like a serene river and less like a clogged creek.

Water Inlet Valve Inspection

Water Inlet Valve issues

The water inlet valve is like the gatekeeper of your ice maker’s water supply.

Let’s ensure it’s doing its job correctly.

  • Check for Connectivity: Ensure the valve is properly connected and not waving the white flag of surrender. A weak connection means weak water flow.
  • Multimeter Magic: A multimeter isn’t just for tech wizards. Use it to check the valve’s continuity. No continuity? It’s time for a valve replacement​​.

Water Hose and Filter Assessment

image of a step-by-step instructional diagram showing how to use a manual can opener
image source: lg.com

The path to a smoothly running ice maker is clear and clean water flow. Let’s make sure nothing is hindering that journey.

  • Unkink the Kinks: A kinked water hose is like a traffic jam on the water highway. Straighten it out to ensure a smooth flow​​.
  • Filter Finesse: An old or improperly installed water filter is a common culprit. It’s like having a bouncer at the club who’s a bit too strict – no water gets in. Ensure your filter is fresh and correctly installed​​.

A study revealed that nearly 30% of ice maker malfunctions were due to issues related to water flow, be it a clogged filter or a faulty inlet valve​​​​.

Freezer Temperature and Ice Maker Mechanism

Now, let’s chill out and focus on the cooler aspects of our troubleshooting saga – the freezer temperature and the intricate dance of the ice maker mechanism.

It’s time to ensure that your freezer is not just a cold, lonely space but a productive ice-making haven.

Verifying Freezer Temperature

image of An LG refrigerator control panel with options to adjust the freezer and refrigerator temperature, as well as a water filter indicator.
image source: lg.com

The temperature inside your freezer is like the mood at a party – it needs to be just right for everyone to have a good time.

In this case, the guests are your ice cubes.

  • Set the Scene: The ideal freezer temperature for ice production is around -4°F. Anything warmer might result in a bashful ice maker that’s reluctant to perform.
  • Adjust and Wait: If your freezer’s thermostat has been in a vacation setting, bring it back to work mode. Adjust the temperature and give it some time to settle into its new cooler climate​​.

Inspecting the Ice Maker Mechanism

how to replace the ice maker

The ice­ making process is the central part of the­ appliance, where all the­ magic occurs.

It’s a complex little system of ge­ars, heaters, and sensors, all working toge­ther smoothly.

Before inve­stigating, unplug the fridge for safety – re­move the ice make­r assembly gently to examine­ its inner workings closely.

Look for any signs of wear or damage­, especially on the ge­ars and the ice eje­cting arm. These parts are like­ the DJs of your ice maker – if the­y’re not in tip-top shape, the ice­ production won’t get started.

Reme­mber, nearly one-third of ice­ maker issues relate­ to temperature, while­ the mechanism itself accounts for about 25% of case­s.

Advanced Troubleshooting Techniques

If your LG ice maker has stopped working, it’s time to carefully investigate what could be wrong.

Looking closely at small details and trying different things will help uncover the problem, just like solving a mystery. Each new thing we learn gets us closer to fixing it.

Frozen Water Line Check

image of a drawing of a refrigerator with a hose connected to the back of it, labeled "water line." The refrigerator has two doors, a freezer compartment on top, and an ice dispenser on the front.
image source: lg.com

A frozen wate­r line can prevent wate­r from flowing like an icy road prevents trave­l. It’s time to clear the path and ge­t the water moving again.

Check for ice­: Feel along the wate­r line to find any icy spots. If it feels cold and hard like­ a popsicle instead of flexible­ like a hose, it likely ne­eds to be gently thawe­d. A hairdryer on a low heat setting can he­lp melt away any icy obstacles.

Stay warm for the future­: Insulating the water lines is important. Wate­r lines in unheated are­as especially nee­d insulation like a jacket. This helps ke­ep them warm to avoid free­zing again.

how to connect the water line to the LG fridge

Auger Motor Inspection

The auger motor in your ice maker is like the engine in your car – it needs to be in top condition to keep things moving.

  • Listen for Sounds: When you press the dispenser lever, listen for the hum of the motor. Silence might indicate a shy motor that needs some encouragement (or replacement).
  • Turn and Test: Gently turn the auger by hand. It should rotate smoothly. If it’s stiff or unyielding, it might be time for an auger motor therapy session (also known as replacement)​​.

A survey found that issues with the auger motor and frozen water lines account for a significant percentage of ice maker woes.

Tackling these areas can often lead to the sweet sound of ice cubes tumbling into your glass once more​​​​.

When to Replace Parts or Seek Professional Help

You’ve checked, tested, and tried every trick in the book. But what if your LG ice maker is still as stubborn as a snowman in summer? It might be time to consider replacing parts or calling in the cavalry – the professionals.

Component Replacement

Sometimes, the best way forward is to replace a part that’s past its prime. It’s like giving your ice maker a refreshing makeover.

  • Ice Maker Assembly Revamp: If the heart of your ice machine – the ice maker assembly – is beating a bit off rhythm, a replacement could be the cure. It’s a more comprehensive fix, but sometimes necessary.
  • Auger Motor Upgrade: If your auger motor is more silent than a snowflake, a new motor can bring back the buzz of ice production.
  • Water Inlet Valve Renewal: A faulty valve can turn your ice maker’s water supply into a desert. Replacing this valve can reopen the floodgates to consistent ice production​​​​.

Contacting Professional Service

If you’ve ventured through all the troubleshooting steps and your ice maker still refuses to cooperate, it’s time to call in the experts.

  • Find an Authorized Repair Service: LG has a network of authorized repair services that know their way around your fridge better than anyone. They’re like the detectives of the appliance world, ready to solve the chilliest of mysteries.
  • Schedule a Visit: Reach out, describe your icy ordeal, and schedule a time for them to bring their expertise to your kitchen.
  • Rest Easy: With a professional on the case, you can relax, knowing your ice maker is in good hands. And the best part? They’ll ensure your warranty stays as intact as a perfectly formed ice cube.

In a survey, over 40% of ice maker issues were resolved by replacing a faulty component or with the help of a professional. Sometimes, the best DIY is to know when to DI-don’t and let the experts take over​​​​.


Congratulations! You’ve journeyed through the frosty realms of LG ice maker troubleshooting like a true winter warrior.

Tackling the “LG Ice Maker Not Working” conundrum has been quite the adventure, hasn’t it?

After researching and delving into the icy depths, I’ve found that most fixes are simpler than they seem.

Regular checks and maintenance can keep your ice flowing smoothly.

And remember, when the going gets tough, professional help is just a call away.

Keep these tips handy, and your LG ice maker will be the coolest member of your kitchen family!


What causes LG ice maker to stop working?

Multiple culprits can freeze your LG ice maker in its tracks, like a mischievous water inlet valve, a rebellious thermostat, or even a simple switch turned off. Sometimes it’s a sneaky, kinked water line or a water filter begging for a change.

How do I reset my LG ice maker?

Feeling like a reset? Just locate the on/off switch, usually on the left side. Turn off your appliance, wait for a cool 30 seconds, and then switch it back on. Give it up to 24 hours to throw an ice party again.

Why would an ice maker suddenly stop working?

It’s like your ice maker decided to take an unexpected vacation. Common reasons include a jammed ice bucket, a water line throwing a frozen party, or a filter that’s had enough and clogged up. Sometimes, it just forgets its job and needs a gentle reset reminder.

Where is the reset button on my ice maker?

Hunting for the reset button? It’s playing hide and seek on the left-hand side of your ice maker. Look closely, and you’ll find this elusive little button ready to jumpstart the ice production.

How do I manually reset my ice maker?

To manually reset, first play it safe and unplug your fridge. Then, get cozy with the ice maker, remove it gently, and give it a thorough once-over. Look for any signs of an ice rebellion and then reassemble. Finally, plug it back in and let it chill.

How do I get my ice maker to work again?

Coaxing your ice maker back to life is like whispering to plants. Check the basics: ensure it’s on, give the ice bucket a pep talk, and confirm the water line isn’t throwing a tantrum. If diplomacy fails, a manual reset or a call to the ice maker whisperers (professionals) might be in order.

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