LG Ice Maker Not Dumping Ice Into Bin – LG USA Support Fixes

LG refrigerator ice makers may stop dumping ice due to various issues. Common problems include stuck ice buckets, faulty thermostats, inadequate freezer temperatures, and clogged water lines. Troubleshooting steps involve checking the power switch, resetting the ice maker, ensuring proper bin placement, and cleaning condenser coils. Using features like Express Freeze can boost ice production.

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Written by: Mohammad Waseem

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Is your LG refrigerator’s ice maker acting like it’s on vacation, not dumping those chilly ice cubes into the bin? Super annoying, right? You’ve got this fancy LG appliance with a water dispenser ready to party, but when it comes to ice, it’s just playing hard to get.

Whether it’s the ice tray giving you the silent treatment or the dispenser and ice bucket feeling left out, let’s not even get started on finding that elusive reset button.

Stick around as we dive into why your refrigerator ice maker decided to take a break from making ice and how to coax it back to work.

Key Takeaway 

  • Checking the ice maker power switch and turning it on if necessary
  • Resetting the ice maker
  • Making sure the ice bin is properly positioned
  • Verifying the temperature at the ice maker is cold enough
  • Cleaning the condenser coils
  • Resetting the LG refrigerator
  • Utilizing Express Freeze or Ice Plus features (depending on the model)

Real-life Scenario

my neighbor came up to me the other day, looking all stressed out, saying his LG ice maker ain’t working right. He said the ice tray was full but the cubes weren’t dropping into the bin like they’re supposed to.

So we checked it out together, you know? The first thing we did was look in the ice bin to make sure no ice was stuck or nothing blocking it. Then we made sure the bin was in there properly and the ice maker arm wasn’t stuck or anything. 

After that, we reset the whole ice maker as the manual said.

Good thing we did all that because, after da reset, that sucker started dropping ice cubes into da bin as it should. My neighbor was happy as can be that we fixed it so quickly. He thanked me for lending a hand with it.

Why is My LG ice Maker not Dumping Ice Into Bin?

When your LG fridge‘s icemaker is not working, it could mean that the ice maker is not dumping ice into the bin despite the tray fills up with water and freezing.

Here are some main reasons why your LG refrigerator ice maker not dumping ice into bin:

Stuck Ice Bucket or Excessive Ice Buildup

that dang ice bucket gets stuck sometimes, and when it does, the ice can’t come out right.

It messes up the whole ice-making process and dumping situation. Annoying, ain’t it?

So, you got this warm, humid air from outside, right? And it meets the cold, dry air inside the fridge.

Boom! Frost starts building up like crazy inside. Could be because the fridge ain’t level, or the doors ain’t closing properly, or maybe there’s stuff blocking the door or their rails. Either way, it’s a frosty mess.

Okay, picture this: that drain line gets clogged up, and bam! A whole sheet of ice forms at the bottom of the freezer.

Now you gotta manually defrost that sucker, and might even need to call in a pro to fix it up. It’s a real hassle when that drain line decides to take a break, am I right?

Faulty Ice Maker Thermostat or Thermistor

Image of Faulty Ice Maker Thermostat or Thermistor
Image source: lg.com

Thermistor is resistance that changes with temp. Two types – NTC resistance goes up when temp down, and PTC resistance goes down when temp down.

Techs measure thermistor resistance at different temps. Compare to manufacturer specs to check if readings are accurate. If not matching, replace it.

When replacing thermistors, get the right type and ensure compatibility with the system. Wrong replacement causes incorrect readings and issues.

Inadequate Freezer Temperature

Another reason your LG French door refrigerator might not make ice is due to Inadequate Freezer Temperature.

Your LG ice maker’s being a diva because the freezer ain’t cold enough. Needs temp below 9°F (-12°C) to work right. 

If too warm, no ice in the bin. Check that temperature setting and get it frosty for the Princess to start dumping ice again.

Defective Ice Maker Motor or Mechanism

where their refrigerator ice maker is not working, that busted ice maker motor or whatever mechanism in your LG fridge is why the ice ain’t dumping into the bin, bro. See, the mechanical parts that are supposed to make the ice and drop it? 

They’re all messed up. If the motor or gears that control the ice tray movement ain’t working right, it can’t rotate properly to release the cubes into the bin.

So the tray gets filled up with ice, but it just stays there instead of dumping it out like it’s supposed to.

Then you get water overflowing and a bunch of ice buildup because it ain’t going through the full dumping cycle.

Even if it freezes the ice, if that motor or mechanism is jammed, it ain’t gonna drop the cubes where they need to go. 

In cases like that, a Malfunctioning inlet valve can restrict the amount of water the ice maker needs to make new ice.

Clogged Water Line or Water Filter

I gotta give you the lowdown on what might be going on with your LG fridge’s ice maker.

It could totally be that the water line or filter is all clogged up, you know? When that happens, the ice maker ain’t getting enough H2O to do its thing right.

if the line or filter is blocked, it crimps the water flow big time. And without that steady stream, the ice maker can’t produce and drop those frozen cubes into the bin like it’s supposed to. 

You might end up with weak ice production or even ice buildin’ up in the supply line itself.

LG Ice Maker not Dumping Ice Into Bin: Troubleshooting Steps

Make sure the ice maker power switch is turned on. If off, turn it on and wait 18-30 hours for ice production.

Image of control panel make sure the ice maker power switch is turned on. If off, turn it on and wait 18-30 hours for ice production.

one of the first things you wanna check is the power switch on that ice maker itself. If that switch is off, just flip it on and then sit tight for a bit, you know?

It’ll take around 18 to 30 hours before that first batch of frozen gold comes tumbling out. Easy as that! Just a little patience is all it might need sometimes.

If no ice is produced when on, reset the ice maker by turning the power off and then back on.

Reset that sucker by shutting off the power and then turning it back on again. If that don’t get the ice cubes rollin’, you can run a test mode to see what’s really going on under the hood.

To do that, just press and hold down the test button for like 3 seconds, that’ll force the whole ice-making process to restart and you can keep an eye on things from there.

Ensure the ice bin is properly positioned under the ice maker within the guides, with the cutout facing back.

Ensure the ice bin is properly positioned under the ice maker within the guides, with the cutout facing back.

You make sure that ice bin is lined up right under the ice maker, you feel me? It needs to be sitting pretty within their guides.

And get this, the cutout part? That needs to be facing towards the back, you heard?

If it ain’t set up properly like that, your ice maker is gonna be like “Nah fam, I ain’t making no more ice for you.”

Verify the temperature at the ice maker is below 9°F for ice production. Higher temps may indicate a sealed system issue.

Verify the temperature at the ice maker is below 9°F for ice production. Higher temps may indicate a sealed system issue.
Image source: lg.com

we need to take a look at how cold it’s getting. Ideally, it should be less than 9°F for things to keep moving along smoothly.

If it ain’t that chilly though, could mean there’s an issue with the sealed system or some other parts. 

We gotta get that baby cranking out some serious ice cubes, you know?

Regularly clean the condenser coils to prevent slowed or stopped ice production due to dirt buildup.

That condenser coil in your LG fridge, you gotta keep that condenser coil clean if you wanna keep that ice machine pumping out those nice cold cubes.

See, when dirt starts building up on the coils, it can really mess with the whole cooling system.

Next thing you know, that ice production is slowing down to a crawl or stopping altogether. Ain’t nobody got time for that, right?

Reset the LG fridge by shutting off water supply for 30 seconds or unplugging it. Wait 24 hours after reset for ice.

If you need to reset that LG fridge of yours, it’s real simple. Either shut off that water supply for like 30 seconds or just unplug the whole dang thing from the power. Bam, reset!

Now here’s the deal though, after you do that reset thing, you gotta be patient. Give it a full 24 hours before you go expecting any ice from that maker.

I know, I know, a day without ice seems like torture. But trust me on this one, that’s just how long it needs to get its act together and start cranking out those sweet, sweet ice cubes again.

So don’t go messing with it or nothing during that 24 hour stretch. Just let that fridge do its thing, you dig? Then the next day, you’ll be swimming in all the ice you can handle!

Utilize Express Freeze or Ice Plus to boost ice production by running the compressor continuously for 3 hours.

This Ice Plus thingy, pretty much speeds up the whole ice-making process by cranking up the compressor speed and chilling the freezer even more. Meaning you get a fresh batch of those icy cubes way quicker than usual.

Then there’s this Express Freeze feature you can turn on through the LG ThinQ app. It’s meant to, like, super-chill your drinks or frozen treats crazy fast. This one keeps the compressor running nonstop for 3 hours just to crank out even more ice.

From what people are saying, the Ice Plus feature really does “make more ice in a shorter time for 24 hours” by “directing that cold air straight to the ice maker for longer”. Apparently, it can whip up those little ice cube dudes like twice as fast!


My LG ice maker seems to be working fine, but it’s not filling the bin with ice. I researched the problem and found a few things to check. It could be something simple like a full bin or a clogged chute.

Let’s hope it’s not a technical issue with the ice maker itself. Wish me luck!


What triggers the ice maker to fill with water?

ice maker starts to fill with water when an electrical signal is sent to the water valve at the beginning of the cycle. This signal comes from the control module in the ice maker, which has a small motor that turns a gear with a conductive pattern on the back. As the gear spins, it powers different parts at the right times, including the water valve, to fill the ice mold with water.

Why is there a big block of ice at the back of my fridge?

A big chunk of ice at the back of your fridge usually happens cause of condensation and refreezing of water vapor inside. When warm air gets in, it makes water vapor stick to cold surfaces and then freeze. Regularly defrosting and making sure the door seals properly can help stop this buildup.

Why is my LG ice maker not getting enough water?

Your LG ice maker might not be getting enough water coz of low water pressure, clogged water lines, or a bad water valve. Make sure the water filter is clean and the water pressure is over 20 psi. Check for blockages in the water line and defrost around the ice bucket if needed.

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