Troubleshooting LG Fridge Compressor Noise with LG USA Support

LG refrigerator noise issues can arise from various sources like the compressor, fan motors, or water lines. Common causes include higher compressor speeds, frost buildup, leveling problems, and temperature settings. To fix these noises, check the fridge’s level, inspect fan motors and water lines, and adjust the temperature. If noises persist, contacting a professional technician is advisable. Regular maintenance like cleaning condenser coils can prevent noise problems and ensure the refrigerator operates smoothly.

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Written by: Mohammad Waseem

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Is your trusty LG refrigerator making a racket that’s driving you bananas? We’ve all been there.

You’re grabbing a midnight snack and suddenly hear that loud hum, buzz, or even a rattle. It’s not exactly the soothing humming noise you’d expect.

From the freezer vibrating to the condenser fan or fan motor droning away, these sounds can make you wonder if a technician is needed stat.

We’ll break down the noisy mystery of your appliance! 

Common Causes and Solutions for LG Fridge Compressor Noise

Higher Compressor Speed

Image of Higher Compressor Speed
  • Linear Compressor: If it runs faster than normal, you might hear buzzing, knocking, or banging noises.
  • Standard Compressor: Usually makes a low buzz or hum, but if it gets loud enough to hear from another room, it might need fixing.

Frost Buildup

Leveling Issues

Image of Leveling Issues
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  • A not properly leveled fridge can vibrate and make noise. Adjust the legs so there’s a slight backward slope and the doors align properly.

Temperature Adjustment

  • Setting the temperature too low can cause frost buildup. Raise the temp for a couple of days to see if it helps.

Condenser Fan Motor or Compressor Issues

  • Noise from the back or bottom might mean trouble with the condenser fan motor or compressor. Time to call a pro.

Leaks or Water Issues

Image of Leaks or Water Issues
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Fan or Evaporator Motor Issues

  • Noise from inside the fridge could be from the fan or evaporator motor. If they’re malfunctioning, better to get a professional to repair it.

Proper Maintenance

  • Regularly clean the condenser coils and ensure good air circulation to reduce strain on the compressor and fan motors, preventing noise issues.

If you’re unsure what’s causing the noise or need special tools, it’s best to contact LG customer support or a professional technician.

How to Diagnose the Source of the Noise?

  1. Find Where the Noise is Coming From
    • Is the noise inside the fridge or freezer?
    • Is it coming from the back or the bottom of the fridge?
  2. Figure Out the Type of Noise
    • Is it a rattling, clicking, dripping, or hissing sound?
    • Is it a humming, buzzing, or vibrating noise?
  3. Decide if the Noise is Normal or Not
    • Clicking, popping, and dripping sounds are usually normal.
    • Rattling can be okay if it’s from refrigerant flow, water line, or stuff on top. But it can also mean the fridge isn’t level.
    • Humming and hissing are normal if they’re not too loud. If they’re loud and don’t stop, it could be a compressor or refrigerant issue.
    • Vibrating noises usually mean the fridge isn’t level or stable.
  4. Find the Cause
    • If the noise is inside the fridge, it might be the fan or evaporator motor.
    • If it’s a dripping sound, check for leaks in the water line or ice maker.
    • If the noise is from the back or bottom, it could be the condenser fan motor or compressor.
  5. Fix the Problem
    • Check if the fridge is level and adjust it if needed.
    • Make sure nothing is blocking or damaging the fan motors.
    • Look for leaks in the water lines and replace any worn or kinked parts.
    • If the compressor is making weird noises, you probably need a pro to fix it.

I remember once my fridge started making a weird rattling noise, and it turned out it just needed to be leveled properly. Simple fix, big relief!

Is the Noise Normal or a Cause for Concern?

If your refrigerator is making a loud noise or a weird buzzing noise, it might be time for a checkup.

Sometimes, the noise coming from the inside the refrigerator or the top of the refrigerator is just your fridge doing its thing, like the refrigerator compressor or lg refrigerator condenser fan kicking in.

But other times, noises can indicate a problem. For instance, a faulty fan blade, issues with the defrost system, or a troublesome valve could be the culprit.

If your fridge is making a loud noise when you open the refrigerator door, it might be due to a loose hinge or a misaligned drip pan.

Noises can also become louder when the refrigerator control is set too high or when the refrigerator’s refrigerator compressor is working extra hard.

Don’t ignore signs like a persistent gurgle or noise like grinding; they could indicate a problem.

If you’re unsure whether the noise may be normal or require attention, it’s wise to request refrigerator repair services.

Contact a repair service to come out and take a look. They’ll be able to eliminate the noise or determine if you need to request a repair.

In some cases, if the problem is severe, you might even need to consider buying a new fridge.

Remember, getting a professional opinion can save you from potential headaches down the line.

Fixing a Noisy LG Refrigerator Compressor: My Experience

Just wanted to share a few tips from my experience on how to fix a noisy LG fridge compressor.

These steps helped me quiet down my fridge, and I hope they’ll help you too!

Isolate the Condenser Drip Pan

First thing I did was isolate the bottom of the condenser drip pan from the refrigerator base frame. I used some foam to prevent the pan from vibrating against the metal frame and creating that annoying noise.

Separate the Drip Pan from the Back of the Fridge

Next, I isolated the back of the drip pan from the lower-rear skin of the fridge with foam too. This stopped the plastic pan from making contact with the metal body of the refrigerator, which helped reduce the noise a lot.

Align the Condenser Fan Shroud

Check if the condenser fan shroud is properly aligned. I found a manufacturing defect in mine that made it rub against the fan blades, causing a buzzing noise. Adjusting the shroud fixed this issue for me.

Level the Refrigerator

Image of Level the Refrigerator
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Make sure your refrigerator is level. Mine had a slight tilt which made the compressor vibrate against the cabinet, creating a loud humming noise. Adjusting the leveling legs sorted this out.

Adjust the Temperature Setting

I also raised the temperature setting for a couple of days. If the compressor runs too cold, it can cause frost buildup on the fan housing, leading to persistent noise. Increasing the temperature allowed the frost to melt, which helped.

When to Call a Professional

If the noise persists after trying all these steps, the compressor itself might be faulty. Loud, constant humming or buzzing from the compressor can indicate it’s failing. In that case, it’s best to get a professional repair technician to take a look.


Why is my LG refrigerator making a loud noise that sounds like it’s coming from the compressor?

Refrigerators can make a variety of noises, and a loud noise that sounds like it’s coming from the compressor may indicate a cooling system issue. Check the LG site for troubleshooting tips or contact LG USA Support for further assistance.

How do I troubleshoot a loud noise coming from the underside of the refrigerator?

A noise from the underside of the refrigerator could be related to the fan motor or fan blade. Ensure the refrigerator is away from the wall and check the related help library on the LG site for detailed instructions.

What should I do if my new refrigerator is making a buzzing sound?

Buzzing noises can come from the compressor or electronics. If your new refrigerator makes a buzzing sound, consult the LG USA Support or check the related help library for guides. Make sure the refrigerator is installed correctly and nothing is blocking the fan.

Could a humming sound be an issue with the fan in my LG refrigerator?

A continuous humming sound often points to an issue with the fan or cooling motor. Check if it’s coming from inside the freezer or connected to the fan motor. Refer to the related help library for more details or contact LG support.

Why is my LG french door refrigerator making a hissing noise?

A hissing noise in a french door refrigerator can be normal as part of the cooling cycle, especially when the door is opened or closed. However, if the sound is excessive, check the sealed system and the LG help library for more information.

How can I tell if the noise is due to a problem with the compressor or something else?

If the noise persists even with the refrigerator away from the wall, it might be a problem with the compressor or another part like the valve or thermostat. LG USA Support can provide more precise diagnostics based on the specifics of your refrigerator noises.

Is it normal for the ice maker to make noise?

Yes, ice makers in refrigerators can make various sounds like buzzing or clicking. If the noise seems unusual or too loud, check the ice maker for blockages and refer to the related help library for solutions.

Can opening and closing one of the doors frequently cause noise in my LG fridge?

Frequent opening and closing of the doors can cause the cooling system and fan motor to work harder, which may result in more noticeable sounds. Ensure nothing is blocking the door seals and consult the LG site for maintenance tips.

What steps should I follow if I hear loud sounds from my LG refrigerator’s condenser fan?

If you hear loud sounds from the condenser fan, inspect the fan blade and motor for any obstructions or damage. Refer to the related help library on the LG site for step-by-step troubleshooting or contact LG USA Support for professional advice.

Why does my refrigerator make a clicking noise when the door is opened?

Clicking noises when the door is opened may be due to the refrigerator control or thermostat engaging to manage temperature changes. This sound may occur normally, but if it seems problematic, consult the related help library or contact LG support.

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