LG Ice Maker Leaking Water: Step-by-Step Guide 2024

It covers common reasons for leaks, including faulty water valves, kinked water hoses, and clogged drain lines. Step-by-step instructions are provided to check and tighten connections, inspect and straighten fill tubes, and clean the ice maker. The article also recommends preventive measures such as regularly inspecting water lines and connections, cleaning the ice maker and dispenser, and replacing the water filter.

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Written by: Mohammad Waseem

Updated on:

Is your LG ice maker giving you the chills? Not in a good way, we feel your pain! Leaky ice makers can be a real pain, leaving puddles and frustration in their wake.

But you don’t have to suffer any longer! Our one-stop guide is here to help you diagnose and fix that pesky LG ice maker leak.

We are talking cutting-edge research, like how new water tanks can boost ice production by 75% did you know some LG fridges have two water inlet valves?

We will clue you in on the sneaky culprit that’s probably behind your leak.

according to researchers, Huang and Liang (2023) highlight a new type of water tank in household ice makers that significantly boosts ice production by more than 75% within 8-10 minutes and by over 35% within 11-12 minutes (spiedigitallibrary.org, 2023). Arnolius and Suryanto (2022) analyze the cooling time of an ice maker, noting a maximum temperature of -18°C (e-journal.upr.ac.id).

Common Reasons for LG Ice Maker Leaks

image of Common Reasons for LG Ice Maker Leaks

Discovering your LG ice maker is leaking can be frustrating. The dripping water not only poses a risk to your appliance but can also lead to water damage in your home. But fear not! Understanding the common culprits behind these leaks can lead to a swift and effective resolution.

Here’s a breakdown of the usual suspects:

Water Filter Woes

Did you know that a simple filter change can sometimes lead to leaks? It’s true! When you install a new water filter, the water flow can suddenly increase, leading to extra pressure in the system.

This pressure might cause water to splash out, especially when it reaches the ice maker, leading to those annoying leaks. Adjusting the water pressure can often remedy this. A telltale sign is a leak that starts right after a filter change.

Turn that water valve about 45 degrees, and you will hit the sweet spot for water pressure – not too high, not too low, just right to avoid those leaks caused by splashing.

get this fact: LG says to make sure your fridge’s water pressure is between 20 and 125 psi if it doesn’t have a filter, or 40 to 125 psi if it does have one of the filters installed.

Pro tip time! If you get a leak after changing that filter, don’t just mess with the pressure. Take a good look at the filter itself too – might be cracked, damaged, or just ain’t seated right. Give it a solid once-over before you start twisting knobs.

Troublesome Water Inlet Valve

That water inlet valve, it’s like the bouncer at a club for water trying to get into your ice maker, If that guy ain’t doing his job right, you be mopping up wet floors more than you wanna.

You check both the main valve (usually hanging out back there near the fridge) and that second little valve (lots of times tucked away on the left side door of the ice maker).

Cause if one of them valves got issues and can’t shut up tight, the water’s come leaking out and make yourself a nice little puddle right there in your kitchen.

A multimeter can be your best friend here, helping you test these valves for functionality. Remember, the secondary valve is quite the usual suspect when it comes to leaks related to the ice maker​​.

Fast Fact: Many LG fridges come with two inlet valves; the secondary one tends to be the more common culprit when leaks occur.

The Kink in the Water Hose

Your fridge ice maker’s water hose is its lifeline. If it gets kinked or blocked, it’s like a traffic jam on the highway – nothing good comes of it!

Ensuring this hose is clear and properly aligned is vital. Even a small kink can lead to big problems, like reduced water flow or, worse, leaks that leave you with a soggy mess. So, give that hose a thorough check – it might just be the simplest fix to your leaky woes​​​​​​.

Fast Fact: Regular inspections of the water hose can prevent unexpected leaks and ensure your ice maker works smoothly.

LG Ice Maker Leaking Water: Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

image of LG Ice Maker Leaking Water: Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide
image source: lg.com

Let’s dive deeper into each troubleshooting step, providing you with detailed, step-by-step instructions to pinpoint and fix the leak in your LG ice maker.

Check & Tighten Water Line Connections

image of Check & Tighten Water Line Connections between water pipe line and lg refrigerator
connection between water pump and LG refrigerator

Locate the water supply line at the back of your refrigerator.

Check the connection points for any signs of looseness or drips.

Tighten any loose connections with a wrench, ensuring that you do not over-tighten and damage the line​.

Inspect & Straighten Fill Tube

image of Inspect & Straighten Fill Tube

Find the fill tube, which is usually located above the ice maker.

Gently feel along the tube for any kinks or bends that might obstruct water flow.

If you find a kink, carefully straighten it out. If the tube is damaged, it may need replacing​​.

Examine Ice Maker for Damage

Remove any ice from the ice maker.

Inspect the ice maker for any cracks or signs of wear.

If you find damage, it may be time to replace the ice maker unit​​.

Deep Clean the Ice Maker

image of Deep Clean the Ice Maker
full tutorial

first thing – turn that water supply off for the ice maker. Don’t want any leaks happening.

Next, take out any parts you can and clean them up really nicely with some warm soapy water. get rid of them nasty germs and gunk buildup.

After that, grab a cloth or sponge and wipe down the inside of that ice machine real well. Get into all them nooks and crannies where grime likes to hide.

When you’re done wiping, make sure to rinse everything off properly so no soap leftovers stick around. Then dry all the components well before putting them back together again.

Don’t want any drips or moisture lingering if you can help it. That should get your ice maker all spick and span for churning out the frozen cubes again.

Replace Worn Components

Check components like the water inlet valve, water filter, and hoses for wear or damage.

Refer to your refrigerator’s manual for specific part numbers and replacement instructions.

Purchase genuine LG replacement parts for a reliable fix​​.

Adjust Water Pressure for Optimal Performance

image of Adjusting Water Pressure for Optimal Performance
full tutorial

find that water pressure valve thing near the pipe that brings water into your place.

If the water coming outta your fridge is trickling real slow, the pressure might be too low dawg.

But if that ice maker is leaking all over or overflowing the trays, then pressure is probably too damn high.

Turn that valve to get the pressure right around 60 psi – that’s the sweet spot for your fridge to run smoothly. Don’t overthink it, just get that pressure on point.

Calibrate Water Level Control

Find the water level adjustment screw on your ice maker (refer to your model’s manual).

Turn the screw slightly clockwise to decrease water level, or counter-clockwise to increase.

Make small adjustments and monitor the ice maker’s performance after each tweak​​.

Unclog the Drain Line

Locate the drain line, typically at the bottom or rear of the refrigerator.

Check the line for clogs or debris, cleaning out any blockages you find.

If the drain line is damaged or extensively clogged, consider replacing it​​.

Inspect Ice Maker and Dispenser Components

image of Inspecting Ice Maker and Dispenser Components

Ice Chute and Dispenser Flap Check: Ice buildup here can cause leakage. Clear any ice or debris and ensure the flap closes tightly to prevent warm air from entering​​.

Control Board and Ice Maker Assembly Check: Ensure the control board is functioning correctly and sending power to the ice maker. Also, check the alignment and functionality of the ice maker assembly​​​​.

Preventive Measures and Regular Maintenance

Taking care of your LG ice maker ain’t just about fixing shit when it breaks down, you gotta stay ahead of the game to keep that appliance running smoothly.

Here’s how you keep that ice maker in tip-top shape:

Check Them Water Lines Regular-Like:

  • At least once a month, peep them water lines for any wear and tear or damage.
  • Make sure all them connections are tight, can’t have any leaks, feel me?

Clean That Thang Often:

  • Get rid of any ice or nasty buildup from the ice bin, and wipe that maker down with a soft cloth.
  • Don’t forget to clean the ice chute and dispenser flap too, gotta keep that seal tight, know what I’m saying?

Switch Out That Filter, Fool!:

Keep An Eye On That Freezer Temp:

  • Freezer temp should be set around 0°F (-18°C), don’t be playing with that.
  • Wrong temp leads to messed up ice and potential leaks.

Adjust That Water Pressure Right:

  • Make sure that water pressure is dialled in at around 60 psi, feel me?
  • Too much pressure gonna make that ice tray overflow and you know what that means…leaks, bruh.

Stay on top of this and your LG ice maker will be chilling for the long haul, ya heard?

When to Seek Professional Help

Look, your LG ice maker can have lots of problems that you could maybe fix yourself. But sometimes, them issues are too much for a DIY job.

If you already tried all the troubleshooting stuff and it still ain’t working right, you better call in one of those certified LG repair guys. They know what they doing and can figure out the complicated crap that you probably can’t handle on your own.

They are the experts, so let them take a look if you getting nowhere with the easy fixes. Ain’t no shame in getting professional help when you need it.


Fixing an LG Ice Maker leaking water can be a bit of a puzzle, but with my research, you’re armed and ready.

We’ve walked through the common causes, like pesky water line issues or a stubborn water inlet valve, and how to tackle them step-by-step.

Remember, if the leak keeps up its drip-drip beat despite your best efforts, it might be time to call in the pros.

Here’s to dry floors and perfectly chilled drinks!


Why is my LG ice maker dripping water?

An LG ice maker may drip water due to high water pressure, a blocked or clumped ice shoot, or a malfunctioning ice maker fan. Adjusting the water pressure, clearing any ice blockages, and checking the functionality of the ice maker fan are recommended steps to resolve the issue​​.

How do I stop my ice maker from leaking water?

To stop your ice maker from leaking water, ensure secure water line connections, inspect and unclog the fill tube, check for damage in the ice maker, clean all components, replace any worn parts, adjust water pressure and water level control, and clean the drain line for blockages​​.

Why is my refrigerator leaking water from ice dispenser?

A refrigerator may leak water from the ice dispenser due to a clogged or improperly installed water filter, high water pressure, a faulty water inlet valve, or obstructions in the ice chute or dispenser flap​​​​.

Why is my LG leaking water?

Your LG might be leaking water due to reasons like a faulty water line or inlet valve, blocked or damaged water hose, malfunctioning ice maker, control board issues, or improper freezer temperature settings​​​​.

What are common problems with LG ice makers?

Common problems with LG ice makers include water leaks, ice maker not making ice, ice buildup in the dispenser, malfunctioning control board, fluctuating freezer temperature, and issues with the water inlet valve pressure​​​​.

Why is my ice maker running water?

Your ice maker might be running water due to high water pressure in the inlet line, a damaged or improperly installed water filter, or a faulty water inlet valve not closing fully, leading to overflow​​.

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