Why is the LG Freezer not Freezing Cold Enough? Troubleshoot Guide 2024

We’ve all been there – the fridge feels fine, but that freezer just ain’t bringing the chill anymore. This ain’t your granny’s old icebox though!  These modern LG freezers have all kinda of fancy shmancy features newfangled doo-hickeys that can sometimes confuse a person.  But this guide right here? It’s gonna be your secret weapon for decoding them crazy symbols …

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Written by: Mohammad Waseem

Updated on:

We’ve all been there – the fridge feels fine, but that freezer just ain’t bringing the chill anymore. This ain’t your granny’s old icebox though! 

These modern LG freezers have all kinda of fancy shmancy features newfangled doo-hickeys that can sometimes confuse a person. 

But this guide right here? It’s gonna be your secret weapon for decoding them crazy symbols and getting your LG freezer back to its frosty glory days.

Do you think it might be some really complicated fix? Shee-it, don’t sweat it none, even if you’re dealing with tricky appliance issues, the help library might offer some guidance. We gonna break down this troubleshooting process into bite-size pieces, all laid out plain as day. 

Ain’t no techie mumbo-jumbo here, just straight-shooting steps to get that freezer humming happy-like once again. 

So you ready to conquer this freezer situation? Dive on in and discover all the insider secrets to being the master of your LG freezer!

Why is the LG Freezer not Freezing Cold Enough?

Image source: lg.com

Aight you all, listen up! If that freezer of yours ain’t chilling as it should, here are some things that could be the cause:

Temperature in the Crib: If it’s too dang hot up in your house, that freezer gonna struggle to keep things icy. The compressor gotta work overtime tryna cool down that air, and if the surroundings are too toasty, it just can’t win.

Air Ain’t Flowing Right in the evaporator compartment, affecting the fridge’s efficiency. Maybe the airflow in that freezer box is all jammed up. If it can’t circulate properly, the temp gonna rise faster than a bucking bronco, especially if the cold air can’t move freely in the appliance. Could be you crammed too much grub in there or the vents are blocked.

image source:lg.com

Busted Parts: Something could done when going kaput, like the compressor or one of the relays. If they ain’t working right, that freezer ain’t gonna cool for nothing, possibly due to a malfunction in the evaporator fan or other sealed system components.

Ice Blockages: Ice building up and clogging the works can mess the whole system up. The compressor gotta work too hard from them airflow issues or bein’ overstuffed, so ice starts forming.

Water Too Warm: If that water coming into the ice maker ain’t cold enough, well it ain’t gonna make no ice, now is it? Blame a faulty water valve or some problem with the supply line.

Drain Clogged: If that drain is frozen over or backed up, water gonna pool at the bottom and freezes up, preventing it from getting nice and frosty inside.

Old As Dirt: An old freezer just ain’t gonna run as efficiently as a new one. Entropy catches up eventually, even to the best-maintained sealed systems.

Bad Settings: You have gotta crank that temperature dials down to the coldest, or else it ain’t gonna get frigid up in there.

Dusty and Linty: Dust bunnies and lint building up underneath and behind the freezer can insulate it too much, keepin’ it from cooling right. Vacuum regularly.

Humid Out: Even those “frost-free” models might need a defrosting when it’s really muggy out.

Insulating Issues: Adding some extra padding or upgrading to a newer better-insulated model could be what’s needed to keep it Alaska cold, if all else fails.

How to Fix: LG Refrigerator Is Not Making Ice

Step 1 – Clean the condenser coils

Clean those dusty coils! Dirty condenser coils can be like a winter coat for your fridge, making it work too hard. Clean them once a year, more often if you have furry friends shedding around.

Step 2 – Test the temperature control thermostat

Is it chilly enough in there? The thingy that senses the temperature (the thermostat, I think?) might be on the fritz.

It’s down by the ice tray and should move when it dumps ice.

If it ain’t feeling frosty (like, below 9°F), there might be a bigger problem a repair person needs to tackle.

Step 3 – Test the condenser fan

Listen up! The fan that helps cool things down, the evaporator fan, might be taking a nap, leading to inefficiency in the appliance. See if the evaporator fan whirls to life when the fridge is working hard to circulate cold air.

If it’s silent, it might need replacing.

Step 4 – Test the start relay

Getting the power flowing to ensure the appliance’s sealed system operates smoothly? There’s a part called a start relay that gets the compressor going.

If it’s busted, no ice for you! You can try checking it with one of those fancy meter things, but this might be a job for a pro.

Step 5 – Test the compressor

The compressor itself might be kaput. Same as the relay, you can try testing it with a meter, but replacing it could be tricky.

Step 6 – Replace the main control board

Main control board blues could indicate a problem with the refrigerant flow or electronic issues in a smart appliance.

If all else fails, this thing might be the culprit. Again, meter test and possible replacement, but maybe call in the cavalry at this point.

Bonus tips!

  1. Double-check that the ice maker switch is on and the temperature settings are cool enough.
  2. Make sure the water line is hooked up properly and the valve is wide open.
  3. That water filter? Replace it if it’s looking scroungy or old.
    Is any ice stuck in the chute or bin, indicating the freezer is not freezing as it should? Clear it out!
  4. If you’re still stuck after all this, don’t be afraid to call in a repair person, especially for complex issues with LG fridges that require professional expertise. 

How to Properly Clean Refrigerator Coils?

Unplug That Thang: First off, unplug that fridge before you start any maintenance bids. Don’t want no electric shocks or messing anything up.

Find Them Coils: The condenser coils usually be on the back or underneath the fridge. If they are on the back, you gotta pull that big ol thing out from the wall. If they are down low, might gotta remove a grille or cover first.

Take Off That Grille (If It Got One): Some fridges have a grille surrounding their coils. Gently pry that thang off, might need to unscrew or unclip it.

Inspect Them Coils: Grab a flashlight and get a good look at the coils. Any dirt, dust, or pet hair built up on them?

Clean Up: Use a vacuum with one of the brush attachments to suck up any loose mess on the coils. If they are nasty, use a special coil brush and scrub them down well. Just don’t go bending them coils!

Wipe Them Down: Take a soft cloth or microfiber towel and gently wipe any remaining dust and gunk off the coils.

Get That Floor: Once you are done with the coils, sweep or vacuum up any mess left on the floor behind the fridge.

Put That Grille Back: If your fridge has one of them grilles, pop it back on after you are done cleaning.

Plug It Back In: Aight, all cleaned up? Good, now plug that fridge back into the wall and you’re good to go!

Is it due to the wrong setting in a freezer and refrigerator?

So from what I found online, there could be a bunch of reasons why your freezer is showing the wrong temp or ain’t adjusting right. 

Could be the main control board is busted, the thermistors are acting up, or there’s an issue with that compressor gas tube thingy. 

Sometimes if the condenser coil is mad dirty or that thermistor is on the fritz, the fridge might not cool like it should even though the freezer is still icy. 

Just keeping it real, some of this stuff might need a professional to come fix it if you ain’t too handy yourself, especially with LG fridge issues that are beyond basic troubleshooting from the help library.

But that’s the basics of what could be going on from what folks were saying online.

Is the food stored in the freezer thawed slightly?

The food that was in the freezer might’ve thawed a little bit if it wasn’t kept too warm while in the fridge. But if it got above 40°F, ain’t safe to refreeze it. 

If the food stays cold, around 40°F or below for like 3-4 days max, you can refreeze it but the quality may not be as good since some moisture got lost from thawing. 

If it’s completely thawed out, left at room temp, or outta the fridge for over 2 hours – just toss it to be safe.

This goes for meats, poultry, seafood, some veggies, and cooked foods. Keeping them in the right compartment ensures freshness. 

Lots of veggies are chill to refreeze, but they might lose their texture and taste even if there are still ice crystals. This can be a sign that the freezer is not freezing effectively.

Thawed fruits and juices can be refrozen as long as they smell and taste okay. 

Breads and cookies and stuff can get refrozen too, but they’ll probably be drier and not as good. Don’t refreeze ice cream or frozen desserts though. 

If something like a casserole or frozen dinner thaws but is still cool, you can cook and eat it but don’t refreeze those.

Why is my LG refrigerator not cold?

If your LG refrigerator is not getting cold or doesn’t get cold enough, it could be due to several issues.

First, check if the freezer compartment is working correctly.

Sometimes, the freezer might stop freezing properly, affecting the entire unit since the refrigerator works by circulating cold air from the freezer. 

Moreover, ensure that the power supply to your refrigerator is stable. You can use a multimeter to check for a defective power outlet that might prevent your fridge from getting enough power to cool properly.

If your model has a bottom freezer, remember that if the refrigerator won’t be cold enough, likely, the freezer won’t be either, especially if it doesn’t show an open circuit.

This issue can be due to a problem with the freezer’s air circulation or a blockage at the bottom of the freezer.

Another factor to consider is how the refrigerator is installed. If the refrigerator is too close to the wall, it might restrict airflow and cause the unit to draw in warm air, affecting the temperature in your freezer and fridge.

To prevent such issues, ensure there’s enough space around your fridge for proper air circulation, and pull the refrigerator away from the wall if necessary.

Also, regularly unplug the refrigerator for a short while to reset the system, which might help if the fridge and freezer are not working normally.

Where is the drain hole on an LG fridge freezer?

They might tell you to check the drain hole, which is sneakily hidden near the bottom of the freezer. If you find it’s iced over, it’s time to melt the ice. This could be the fix you need to get everything working fine again.

If that isn’t guaranteed to solve the problem, don’t throw in the towel. Your next move is to check the condenser and fan near the side of the compressor.

These guys need to dissipate heat properly for your fridge to keep your food chilled.

It might turn into a bit of a detective job, needing a multimeter to test a few parts like the refrigerator sensor and the start winding to see if anything needs to be axed and need to be replaced.

But hey, if it gets you closer to preventing a food apocalypse, it’s all in a day’s work, right?

Worst case scenario, if your freezer stopped making ice and keeping stuff cold even after all your Sherlock Holmes-ing, it might be time to purchase a new appliance.

But before you go down that road, give your appliance repair buddy a call to check if the problem is something simple like needing to rearrange the food for better airflow or if the temperature of the freezer just got knocked out of whack.

Sometimes, it’s the small things, so cross your fingers, and move on to the next fix on the list!


If your LG refrigerator freezer isn’t freezing properly, there could be issues like incorrect temperature settings, blocked air vents, dust accumulation on coils, or faulty components such as the compressor or control board.

Troubleshooting steps involve cleaning coils, checking temperature controls, fans, and start relays, and potentially replacing parts like the control board.

Proper maintenance, like cleaning coils regularly, can prevent many freezing issues.

If problems persist, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance to diagnose and repair complex issues in LG refrigerators.

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